Life(In HC)Writes New Pages♥
Entries 25ofUs Exits Memories
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
& We Just Can't Deny It

Here's our blog for the :
C1 Inter-Class Blogging Competition
The theme of this year's competition is "Reshaping Teaching and Learning @ Hwa Chong We are the Future!" This is in relation to Hwa Chong being one of the pioneering "Future Schools".

All classes are to participate actively in the blog with relation to the above theme. The judging criteria is as follows:
1. Content / Thematic Coherence (50%)--> Showcase how our class envision the above mentioned theme.
2. Participation (30%)
3. Aesthetics (20%)Prizes

(Most likely in the form of food vouchers):
1st - $400
2nd - $300
3rd - $200

Okayokay, get the idea? Just try to keep this blog alive, at least until the competition ends during mid-april i think! Yup, I think we can try to post more photos of our daily lives in hwachong, as in those INTERESTING ONES that can fit the theme! :)

Jiayou s62, Win that $400! :DD
PS/ Oh, I think we're inviting teachers to this blog so take note of what you're typing!
& I changed the date of this post so it will stay as the first post ok!



Moosic box
music code here.
From QING, With thanks from blesphemy, kao-ani, k10k and ashin. ♥